If you are interested in serving on the NVCS School Board, you must meet the follow requirements:
- At least eighteen (18) years of age as of the date of the November municipal election.
- Good moral character.
- U.S. citizen domiciled in Pennsylvania
- Resident of the school district for at least one (1) year prior to the date of the November municipal election (or prior to appointment if appointed).
- Must have no record of conviction for any felony offense, or any misdemeanor offense involving dishonesty or other “moral turpitude”. A federal law known as the Hatch Act prohibits all federal employees and employees of state or local governments whose positions are funded entirely from federal sources from being candidates in partisan political elections for public office, including school boards.
- The Hatch Act does not prohibit holding elective office if appointed to fill a vacancy.
- Active-duty military, including reservists serving on active duty, are prohibited by federal law and Department of Defense regulations from running for or holding partisan political office.
- School directors cannot be employed by their school district during the term for which elected.
- The office of school director is designated as incompatible with most other local government elective offices; incompatible offices cannot be held simultaneously.
To become a school board candidate, please contact either our current school board at: [email protected], attend a meeting and express your interest, or contact Verna at: verna@nvcs.org
Training for all charter school board members is also required. Here is a link to the training available through The PA Department of Education: https://www.education.pa.gov/Schools/Governance/Act55/Pages/Charter-School-Trustees-Training.aspx
You may contact our School Board Members through this email account: [email protected]
23-24 NVCS School Board:
President, Aimee Parmelee
Vice President, Heather McIntosh
Secretary, Stephanie Yager
Treasurer, Emily Hoober
Additional members:
Gina Thompson, Emily Strausbaugh, Lauren Shurgalla, Alyssa Johnson,
Mercedes Jones, Gretta Armstrong, and Tricia Roth
NVCS School Board Meetings will be held on the fourth Monday of each month, at the school, starting at 5:30pm.
The public is welcome to attend our meetings.
President, Aimee Parmelee
Vice President, Heather McIntosh
Secretary, Stephanie Yager
Treasurer, Emily Hoober
Additional members:
Gina Thompson, Emily Strausbaugh, Lauren Shurgalla, Alyssa Johnson,
Mercedes Jones, Gretta Armstrong, and Tricia Roth
NVCS School Board Meetings will be held on the fourth Monday of each month, at the school, starting at 5:30pm.
The public is welcome to attend our meetings.