"Survivor Class" made pine needle tea. As you can see,
The upper grades made anemometers (wind speed detectors). Dr. Seuss week celebrations.Kindergarten built Leprechaun traps before St. Patrick's Day, which were successful!K-2 had a blast at Discovery Space last Friday!While 3-8 enjoyed the Recycled Art Exhibit at the Palmer Art Museum, followed by a chemistry demonstration all about polymers.This Friday we will go to tour the Recycling Center. Remember a non-microwavable lunch and a reusable water bottle. Please dress appropriately for the cold weather, as we will be outside some of the time, and wear comfortable close-toed shoes for walking.Report Cards go home on Friday. Please contact your child's teacher if you would like to schedule a parent-teacher conference.Drama Class SkitsCircus PerformanceThursday, Verna and Brandy's classes will be attending the Matinee of "Che Malambo" at Eisenhower Auditorium from 9:30-11am. Today, some of us stood outside for 17 minutes in silence to remember, and pay tribute to each of the victims of the Parkland Florida school shooting. Friday field trips are back! :)
April 2024
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